
Zend Framework 2 module for easy integration of Twitter Bootstrap

View project onGitHub

TwbBundle, v2.0 - Demonstration

This demonstration page shows how to render Twitter Boostrap elements. For each elements, you can see how to do it in "Source" tabs. These are supposed to be run into a view file.


Basic example

Example block-level help text here.

$oForm = new \Zend\Form\Form();
    'name' => 'input-email',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'email',
        'placeholder' => 'Enter email',
        'id' => 'exampleInputEmail1'
    'options' => array('label' => 'Email address')
    'name' => 'input-password',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'password',
        'placeholder' => 'Password',
        'id' => 'exampleInputPassword1'
    'options' => array('label' => 'Password',)
    'name' => 'input-file',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'file',
        'id' => 'exampleInputFile'
    'options' => array(
        'label' => 'File input',
        'help-block' => 'Example block-level help text here.'
    'name' => 'input-checkbox',
    'type' => 'checkbox',
    'options' => array('label' => 'Check me out')
    'name' => 'button-submit',
    'type' => 'button',
    'attributes' => array('type' => 'submit'),
    'options' => array('label' => 'Submit')

$this->form($oForm, null);

Inline form

                $oForm = new \Zend\Form\Form();
    'name' => 'input-email',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'email',
        'placeholder' => 'Enter email',
        'id' => 'exampleInputEmail2'
    'options' => array('label' => 'Email address')
    'name' => 'input-password',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'password',
        'placeholder' => 'Password',
        'id' => 'exampleInputPassword2'
    'options' => array('label' => 'Password')
    'name' => 'input-checkbox',
    'type' => 'checkbox',
    'options' => array('label' => 'Remember me')
    'name' => 'button-submit',
    'type' => 'button',
    'attributes' => array('type' => 'submit'),
    'options' => array('label' => 'Sign in')

$this->form($oForm, \TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleForm::LAYOUT_INLINE);

Horizontal form

                $oForm = new \Zend\Form\Form();
    'name' => 'input-email',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'email',
        'placeholder' => 'Enter email',
        'id' => 'inputEmail1'
    'options' => array(
    'label' => 'Email',
    'column-size' => 'sm-10',
    'label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2')
    'name' => 'input-password',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'password',
        'placeholder' => 'Password',
        'id' => 'inputPassword1'
    'options' => array('label' => 'Password','column-size' => 'sm-10','label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-sm-2'))
    'name' => 'input-checkbox',
    'type' => 'checkbox',
    'options' => array('label' => 'Remember me','column-size' => 'sm-10 col-sm-offset-2')
    'name' => 'button-submit',
    'type' => 'button',
    'attributes' => array('type' => 'submit'),
    'options' => array('label' => 'Sign in','column-size' => 'sm-10 col-sm-offset-2')


Supported form

                $oForm = new \Zend\Form\Form();
    'name' => 'input-text',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'placeholder' => 'Text input',
    'name' => 'input-text-area',
    'type' => 'textarea',
    'attributes' => array(
        'row' => 3
    'name' => 'input-checkbox',
    'type' => 'checkbox',
    'options' => array('label' => 'Option one is this and that-be sure to include why it\'s great')
    'name' => 'optionsRadios',
    'type' => 'radio',
    'options' => array(
        'value_options' => array(
            'option1' => 'Option one is this and that-be sure to include why it\'s great',
            'optionsRadios2' => 'Option two can be something else and selecting it will deselect option one'
    'name' => 'optionsRadios',
    'type' => 'MultiCheckbox',
    'options' => array(
        'value_options' => array(
            array('label' => '1','value' => 'option1', 'attributes' => array('id' => 'inlineCheckbox1')),
            array('label' => '2','value' => 'option2', 'attributes' => array('id' => 'inlineCheckbox2')),
            array('label' => '3','value' => 'option3', 'attributes' => array('id' => 'inlineCheckbox3'))
    'name' => 'optionsRadiosNoInline',
    'type' => 'MultiCheckbox',
    'options' => array(
        'value_options' => array(
            array('label' => '1','value' => 'option1', 'attributes' => array('id' => 'noInlineCheckbox1')),
            array('label' => '2','value' => 'option2', 'attributes' => array('id' => 'noInlineCheckbox2')),
            array('label' => '3','value' => 'option3', 'attributes' => array('id' => 'noInlineCheckbox3'))
        'inline' => false
    'name' => 'select',
    'type' => 'select',
    'options' => array('value_options' => array(1,2,3,4,5))
    'name' => 'multiple-select',
    'type' => 'select',
    'options' => array('value_options' => array(1,2,3,4,5)),
    'attributes' => array('multiple' => true)

$this->form($oForm, null);

Static form


                $oForm = new \Zend\Form\Form();
    'name' => 'static-element',
    'type' => '\TwbBundle\Form\Element\StaticElement',
    'attributes' => array('value' => 'email@example.com'),
    'options' => array('label' => 'Email','column-size' => 'lg-10','label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-lg-2'))
    'name' => 'input-password',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'password',
        'placeholder' => 'Password',
        'id' => 'inputPassword'
    'options' => array('label' => 'Password','column-size' => 'lg-10','label_attributes' => array('class' => 'col-lg-2'))


Form states

                $oForm = new \Zend\Form\Form();
    'name' => 'input-text-disabled',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'placeholder' => 'Disabled input here...',
        'id' => 'disabledInput'

$oFieldset = new \Zend\Form\Fieldset('fieldset-disabled');
$oForm->add($oFieldset->setAttributes(array('disabled' => true))->add(array(
    'name' => 'input-text-disabled',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'placeholder' => 'Disabled input',
        'id' => 'disabledTextInput'
    'options' => array('label' => 'Disabled input')
    'name' => 'disabled-select',
    'type' => 'select',
    'options' => array(
        'label' => 'Disabled select menu',
        'value_options' => array('' => 'Disabled select')
    'attributes' => array('id' => 'disabled-select')
    'name' => 'input-checkbox',
    'type' => 'checkbox',
    'options' => array('label' => 'Can\'t check this')
    'name' => 'button-submit',
    'type' => 'button',
    'attributes' => array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn-primary'),
    'options' => array('label' => 'Submit')
$this->form($oForm, null);

Validation states

                $oForm = new \Zend\Form\Form();
    'name' => 'input-text-success',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'id' => 'inputSuccess'
    'options' => array(
        'label' => 'Input with success',
        'validation-state' => 'success'
    'name' => 'input-text-warning',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'id' => 'inputWarning'
    'options' => array(
        'label' => 'Input with warning',
        'validation-state' => 'warning'
    'name' => 'input-text-error',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'id' => 'inputError'
    'options' => array(
        'label' => 'Input with error',
        'validation-state' => 'error'
$this->form($oForm, null);

Control sizing

                //Height sizing
$oForm = new \Zend\Form\Form();
    'name' => 'input-text-lg',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'placeholder' => '.input-lg',
        'class' => 'input-lg'
    'name' => 'input-text-default',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'placeholder' => 'Default input'
    'name' => 'input-text-sm',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'placeholder' => '.input-sm',
        'class' => 'input-sm'
    'name' => 'lg-select',
    'type' => 'select',
    'options' => array('value_options' => array('' => '.input-lg')),
    'attributes' => array('class' => 'input-lg')
    'name' => 'default-select',
    'type' => 'select',
    'options' => array('value_options' => array('' => 'Default select'))
    'name' => 'sm-select',
    'type' => 'select',
    'options' => array('value_options' => array('' => '.input-sm')),
    'attributes' => array('class' => 'input-sm')
$this->form($oForm, null);

//Column sizing
$oForm = new \Zend\Form\Form();
    'name' => 'input-text-col-lg-2',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'placeholder' => '.col-lg-2'
    'options' => array('column-size' => 'lg-2')
    'name' => 'input-text-col-lg-3',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'placeholder' => '.col-lg-3'
    'options' => array('column-size' => 'lg-3')
    'name' => 'input-text-col-lg-4',
    'attributes' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'placeholder' => '.col-lg-4'
    'options' => array('column-size' => 'lg-4')
$this->form($oForm, \TwbBundle\Form\View\Helper\TwbBundleForm::LAYOUT_INLINE);

Help text

A block of help text that breaks onto a new line and may extend beyond one line.

$oForm = new \Zend\Form\Form();
    'name' => 'input-text',
    'attributes' => array('type' => 'text'),
    'options' => array(
        'help-block' => 'A block of help text that breaks onto a new line and may extend beyond one line.'
$this->form($oForm, null);



$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('default',array('label' => 'Default'));

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('primary',array('label' => 'Primary'));

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('success',array('label' => 'Success'));

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('info',array('label' => 'Info'));

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('warning',array('label' => 'Warning'));

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('danger',array('label' => 'Danger'));

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('link',array('label' => 'Link'));


$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('large-button-primary',array('label' => 'Large button'));
$oButton->setAttribute('class','btn-primary btn-lg');

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('large-button-default',array('label' => 'Large button'));

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('button-primary',array('label' => 'Default button'));

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('button-default',array('label' => 'Default button'));

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('small-button-primary',array('label' => 'Small button'));
$oButton->setAttribute('class','btn-primary btn-sm');

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('small-button-default',array('label' => 'Small button'));

//Extra small
$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('extra-small-button-primary',array('label' => 'Extra small button'));
$oButton->setAttribute('class','btn-primary btn-xs');

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('extra-small-button-default',array('label' => 'Extra small button'));

//Block level
$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('block-level-button-primary',array('label' => 'Block level button'));
$oButton->setAttribute('class','btn-primary btn-block');
$sContent .= $this->formButtonHelper->__invoke($oButton).PHP_EOL;

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('block-level-button-default',array('label' => 'Block level button'));

Active state

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('large-button-primary-active',array('label' => 'Primary button'));
    'class' => 'btn-primary btn-lg active',

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('large-button-default-active',array('label' => 'Button'));
    'class' => 'btn-lg active',

Disabled state

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('large-button-primary-disabled',array('label' => 'Primary button'));
    'class' => 'btn-primary btn-lg',
    'disabled' => true

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('large-button-default-disabled',array('label' => 'Button'));
    'class' => 'btn-lg',
    'disabled' => true


How to use

echo $this->glyphicon('search');


echo '<div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar"><div class="btn-group">';

//Align left
echo $this->formButton(new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('align-left',array('glyphicon' => 'align-left')));

//Align center
echo $this->formButton(new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('align-left',array('glyphicon' => 'align-center')));

//Align right
echo $this->formButton(new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('align-left',array('glyphicon' => 'align-right')));

echo '</div></div><br/><div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar">';

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('large-button-default',array('label' => 'Star', 'glyphicon' => 'star'));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('button-default',array('label' => 'Star', 'glyphicon' => 'star'));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('small-button-default',array('label' => 'Star', 'glyphicon' => 'star'));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

//Extra small
$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('extra-small-button-default',array('label' => 'Star', 'glyphicon' => 'star'));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

echo '</div>';


Alignment options


Disabled menu items

Button dropdowns

Single button dropdowns

$aDropDownOptions = array(
    'items' => array(
    'Another action',
    'Something else here',
    'Separated link'

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('default',array('label' => 'Default','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('primary',array('label' => 'Primary','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('success',array('label' => 'Success','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('info',array('label' => 'Info','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('warning',array('label' => 'Warning','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('danger',array('label' => 'Danger','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

Split button dropdowns

$aDropDownOptions = array(
  'split' => true,
  'items' => array(
    'Another action',
    'Something else here',
    'Separated link'

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('default',array('label' => 'Default','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('primary',array('label' => 'Primary','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('success',array('label' => 'Success','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('info',array('label' => 'Info','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('warning',array('label' => 'Warning','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('danger',array('label' => 'Danger','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);


$aDropDownOptions = array(
  'items' => array(
    'Another action',
    'Something else here',
    'Separated link'

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('large-button-default',array('label' => 'Large button','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('small-button-default',array('label' => 'Small button','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

//Extra small
$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('extra-small-button-default',array('label' => 'Extra small button','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

Dropup variation

$aDropDownOptions = array(
  'dropup' => true,
  'split' => true,
  'items' => array(
    'Another action',
    'Something else here',
    'Separated link'

$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('default',array('label' => 'Dropup','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

$aDropDownOptions['list_attributes'] = array('class' => 'pull-right');
$oButton = new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('primary',array('label' => 'Right dropup','dropdown' => $aDropDownOptions));
echo $this->formButton($oButton);

Input groups

Basic example



$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text('input-username',array('add-on-prepend' => '@'));
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'<br/>';

$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text('input-prepend',array('add-on-append' => '.00'));
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'<br/>';

$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text('input-append-prepend',array('add-on-prepend' => '$','add-on-append' => '.00'));
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'<br/>';




$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text('input-username',array('add-on-prepend' => '@'));
$oInput->setAttributes(array('placeholder' => 'Username', 'class' => 'input-lg'));
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'<br/>';

$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text('input-username',array('add-on-prepend' => '@'));
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'<br/>';

$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text('input-username',array('add-on-prepend' => '@'));
$oInput->setAttributes(array('placeholder' => 'Username', 'class' => 'input-sm'));
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'<br/>';

Checkboxes and radio addons

echo '<div class="row"><div class="col-lg-6">';
$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text(
  array('add-on-prepend' => new \Zend\Form\Element\Checkbox('checkbox'))
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'</div><div class="col-lg-6">';

$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text(
  array('add-on-prepend' => new \Zend\Form\Element\Radio('radio',array('value_options' => array(1 => ''))))
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'</div></div>';

Button addons

$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text('input-username',array('add-on-prepend' => new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('prepend-button',array('label' => 'Go!'))));
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'<br/>';

$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text('input-username',array('add-on-append' => new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('append-button',array('label' => 'Go!'))));
echo $this->formElement($oInput);

Buttons with dropdowns

$aButtonOptions = array('label' => 'Action','dropdown' => array(
    'label' => 'Dropdown',
    'name' => 'dropdownMenu1',
    'attributes' => array('class' => 'clearfix'),
    'list_attributes' => array('aria-labelledby' => 'dropdownMenu1'),
    'items' => array('Action','Another action','Something else here',\TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleDropDown::TYPE_ITEM_DIVIDER,'Separated link')

echo '<div class="row"><div class="col-lg-6">';

$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text('input-username',array('add-on-prepend' => new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('prepend-button',$aButtonOptions)));
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'</div><div class="col-lg-6">';

$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text('input-username',array('add-on-append' => new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('append-button',$aButtonOptions)));
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'</div></div>';

Segmented buttons

$aButtonOptions = array('label' => 'Action','dropdown' => array(
    'label' => 'Dropdown',
    'name' => 'dropdownMenu1',
    'split' => true,
    'attributes' => array('class' => 'clearfix'),
    'list_attributes' => array('aria-labelledby' => 'dropdownMenu1'),
    'items' => array('Action','Another action','Something else here',\TwbBundle\View\Helper\TwbBundleDropDown::TYPE_ITEM_DIVIDER,'Separated link')

echo '<div class="row"><div class="col-lg-6">';

$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text('input-username',array('add-on-prepend' => new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('prepend-button',$aButtonOptions)));
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'</div><div class="col-lg-6">';

$oInput = new \Zend\Form\Element\Text('input-username',array('add-on-append' => new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('append-button',$aButtonOptions)));
echo $this->formElement($oInput).'</div></div>';

Button groups

Basic example

echo $this->buttonGroup(array(
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('left', array('label' => 'Left')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('middle', array('label' => 'Middle')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('right', array('label' => 'Right')),

Button toolbar

echo '<div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar">';

//First group
echo $this->buttonGroup(array(
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('1', array('label' => '1')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('2', array('label' => '2')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('3', array('label' => '3')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('4', array('label' => '4')),

//Second group
echo $this->buttonGroup(array(
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('5', array('label' => '5')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('6', array('label' => '6')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('7', array('label' => '7')),

//Third group
echo $this->buttonGroup(array(
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('8', array('label' => '8')),

echo '</div>';


echo '<div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar">' . $this->buttonGroup(array(
            new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('left', array('label' => 'Left')),
            new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('middle', array('label' => 'Middle')),
            new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('right', array('label' => 'Right')),
                ), array('attributes' => array('class' => 'btn-group-lg'))) . '</div><br/>';

echo '<div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar">' . $this->buttonGroup(array(
            new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('left', array('label' => 'Left')),
            new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('middle', array('label' => 'Middle')),
            new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('right', array('label' => 'Right')),
        )) . '</div><br/>';

echo '<div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar">' . $this->buttonGroup(array(
            new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('left', array('label' => 'Left')),
            new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('middle', array('label' => 'Middle')),
            new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('right', array('label' => 'Right')),
                ), array('attributes' => array('class' => 'btn-group-sm'))) . '</div><br/>';

//Extra small
echo '<div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar">' . $this->buttonGroup(array(
            new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('left', array('label' => 'Left')),
            new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('middle', array('label' => 'Middle')),
            new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('right', array('label' => 'Right')),
                ), array('attributes' => array('class' => 'btn-group-xs'))) . '</div>';


echo $this->buttonGroup(array(
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('1', array('label' => '1')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('2', array('label' => '2')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('dropdown', array('label' => 'Dropdown', 'dropdown' => array('items' => array('Dropdown link', 'Dropdown link'))))

Vertical variation

echo $this->buttonGroup(array(
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('button', array('label' => 'Button')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('button', array('label' => 'Button')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('dropdown', array('label' => 'Dropdown', 'dropdown' => array('items' => array('Dropdown link', 'Dropdown link')))),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('button', array('label' => 'Button')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('button', array('label' => 'Button')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('dropdown', array('label' => 'Dropdown', 'dropdown' => array('items' => array('Dropdown link', 'Dropdown link')))),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('dropdown', array('label' => 'Dropdown', 'dropdown' => array('items' => array('Dropdown link', 'Dropdown link')))),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('dropdown', array('label' => 'Dropdown', 'dropdown' => array('items' => array('Dropdown link', 'Dropdown link')))),
), array('attributes' => array('class' => 'btn-group-vertical')));

Justified button groups

echo $this->buttonGroup(array(
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('left', array('label' => 'Left')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('middle', array('label' => 'Middle')),
    new \Zend\Form\Element\Button('right', array('label' => 'Right')),
), array('attributes' => array('class' => 'btn-group-justified')));