Input group
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
Basic example
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
- Result
- Source
$factory = new \Laminas\Form\Factory();
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'username',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => '@',
'attributes' => [
'placeholder' => 'Username',
'aria-label' => 'Username',
'aria-describedby' => 'basic-addon1',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'recipient_username',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_append' => '',
'attributes' => [
'placeholder' => "Recipient's username",
'aria-label' => "Recipient's username",
'aria-describedby' => 'basic-addon2',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'url',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Your vanity URL',
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => '',
'attributes' => [
'id' => 'basic-url',
'aria-describedby' => 'basic-addon3',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'amount',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => '$',
'add_on_append' => '.00',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Amount (to the nearest dollar)',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'username',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'row_name' => 'multiple_inputs',
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_append' => [
'element' => [
'name' => 'server',
'type' => 'text',
'attributes' => [
'placeholder' => "Server",
'aria-label' => "Server",
'attributes' => [
'placeholder' => "Username",
'aria-label' => "Username",
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'textarea',
'type' => 'textarea',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'add_on_prepend' => 'With textarea',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'With textarea',
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
- Result
- Source
$factory = new \Laminas\Form\Factory();
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'username',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'add_on_prepend' => '@',
'attributes' => [
'placeholder' => 'Username',
'aria-label' => 'Username',
'aria-describedby' => 'addon-wrapping',
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
- Result
- Source
$factory = new \Laminas\Form\Factory();
// Small
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'small',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => 'Small',
'size' => 'sm',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Sizing example input',
'aria-describedby' => 'inputGroup-sizing-sm',
// Default
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'default',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => 'Default',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Sizing example input',
'aria-describedby' => 'inputGroup-sizing-default',
// Large
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'large',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'add_on_prepend' => 'Large',
'size' => 'lg',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Sizing example input',
'aria-describedby' => 'inputGroup-sizing-lg',
Checkboxes and radios
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
- Result
- Source
$factory = new \Laminas\Form\Factory();
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'checkbox-text',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'checkbox',
'options' => [
'use_hidden_element' => false,
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Checkbox for following text input',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Text input with checkbox',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'radio-text',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'add_on_prepend' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'radio',
'options' => [
'value_options' => [
'label' => '',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Radio button for following text input',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Text input with radio button',
Multiple inputs
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
- Result
- Source
$factory = new \Laminas\Form\Factory();
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'last-name',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'add_on_prepend' => [
'First and last name',
'element' => [
'name' => 'first-name',
'type' => 'text',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'First name',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Last name',
Multiple addons
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
- Result
- Source
$factory = new \Laminas\Form\Factory();
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'multiple-addons-prepend',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => ['$', '0.00'],
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Dollar amount (with dot and two decimal places)',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'multiple-addons-append',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_append' => ['$', '0.00'],
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Dollar amount (with dot and two decimal places)',
Button addons
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
- Result
- Source
$factory = new \Laminas\Form\Factory();
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'button-prepend',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Button',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'attributes' => [
'placeholder' => '',
'aria-label' => 'Example text with button addon',
'aria-describedby' => 'button-addon1',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'button-append',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_append' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Button',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'attributes' => [
'placeholder' => "Recipient's username",
'aria-label' => "Recipient's username",
'aria-describedby' => 'button-addon2',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'buttons-prepend',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Button',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Button',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'attributes' => [
'placeholder' => '',
'aria-label' => 'Example text with two button addons',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'button-append',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'add_on_append' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Button',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Button',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'attributes' => [
'placeholder' => "Recipient's username",
'aria-label' => "Recipient's username with two button addons",
Buttons with dropdowns
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
- Result
- Source
$factory = new \Laminas\Form\Factory();
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'dropdown-prepend',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Dropdown',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'dropdown' => [
'Another action',
'Something else here',
'Separated link',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Text input with dropdown button',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'dropdown-append',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_append' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Dropdown',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'dropdown' => [
'Another action',
'Something else here',
'Separated link',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Text input with dropdown button',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'dropdown-prepend-and-append',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'add_on_prepend' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Dropdown',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'dropdown' => [
'Another action',
'Something else here',
'Separated link',
'add_on_append' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Dropdown',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'dropdown' => [
'Another action',
'Something else here',
'Separated link',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Text input with dropdown button',
Segmented buttons
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
- Result
- Source
$factory = new \Laminas\Form\Factory();
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'segmented-dropdown-prepend',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Action',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'dropdown' => [
'split' => 'Toggle Dropdown',
'items' => [
'Another action',
'Something else here',
'Separated link',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Text input with segmented dropdown button',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'segmented-dropdown-append',
'type' => 'text',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'add_on_append' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Action',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'dropdown' => [
'split' => 'Toggle Dropdown',
'items' => [
'Another action',
'Something else here',
'Separated link',
'attributes' => [
'aria-label' => 'Text input with segmented dropdown button',
Custom forms
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
Custom select
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
- Result
- Source
$factory = new \Laminas\Form\Factory();
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'select_label_prepend',
'type' => 'select',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'custom' => true,
'empty_option' => 'Choose...',
'value_options' => [
1 => 'One',
2 => 'Two',
3 => 'Three',
'add_on_prepend' => ['label' => 'Options'],
'attributes' => [
'id' => 'inputGroupSelect01',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'select_label_append',
'type' => 'select',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'custom' => true,
'empty_option' => 'Choose...',
'value_options' => [
1 => 'One',
2 => 'Two',
3 => 'Three',
'add_on_append' => ['label' => 'Options'],
'attributes' => [
'id' => 'inputGroupSelect02',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'select_button_prepend',
'type' => 'select',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'custom' => true,
'empty_option' => 'Choose...',
'value_options' => [
1 => 'One',
2 => 'Two',
3 => 'Three',
'add_on_prepend' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Button',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'attributes' => [
'id' => 'inputGroupSelect03',
'aria-label' => 'Example select with button addon',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'select_button_append',
'type' => 'select',
'options' => [
'form_group' => false,
'custom' => true,
'empty_option' => 'Choose...',
'value_options' => [
1 => 'One',
2 => 'Two',
3 => 'Three',
'add_on_append' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Button',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'attributes' => [
'id' => 'inputGroupSelect04',
'aria-label' => 'Example select with button addon',
Custom file input
Twitter bootstrap Documentation
- Result
- Source
$factory = new \Laminas\Form\Factory();
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'custom_file_label_prepend',
'type' => 'file',
'options' => [
'custom' => true,
'custom_label' => 'Choose file',
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => 'Upload',
'attributes' => [
'id' => 'inputGroupFile01',
'aria-describedby' => 'inputGroupFile01',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'custom_file_label_append',
'type' => 'file',
'options' => [
'custom' => true,
'custom_label' => 'Choose file',
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_append' => 'Upload',
'attributes' => [
'id' => 'inputGroupFile02',
'aria-describedby' => 'inputGroupFile02',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'custom_file_button_prepend',
'type' => 'file',
'options' => [
'custom' => true,
'custom_label' => 'Choose file',
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_prepend' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Button',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'attributes' => [
'id' => 'inputGroupFile03',
'aria-describedby' => 'inputGroupFileAddon03',
echo $this->formRow($factory->create([
'name' => 'custom_file_button_append',
'type' => 'file',
'options' => [
'custom' => true,
'custom_label' => 'Choose file',
'form_group' => false,
'input_group_class' => 'mb-3',
'add_on_append' => [
'element' => [
'type' => 'button',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Button',
'variant' => 'outline-secondary',
'attributes' => [
'id' => 'inputGroupFile04',
'aria-describedby' => 'inputGroupFileAddon04',