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As a bin script

Display man page

In a terminal, execute:

php vendor/bin/php-css-lint



  ____  _              ____ ____ ____    _     _       _
 |  _ \| |__  _ __    / ___/ ___/ ___|  | |   (_)_ __ | |_
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 |_|   |_| |_| .__/   \____|____/____/  |_____|_|_| |_|\__|



  php-css-lint [--options='{ }'] input_to_lint


    Options (optional), must be a json object:
     * "allowedIndentationChars" => [" "] or ["\t"]: will override the current property
     * "constructors": { "property" => bool }: will merge with the current property
     * "standards": { "property" => bool }: will merge with the current property
     * "nonStandards": { "property" => bool }: will merge with the current property
    Example: --options='{ "constructors": {"o" : false}, "allowedIndentationChars": ["\t"] }'

    The CSS file path (absolute or relative)
    a glob pattern of file(s) to be linted
    or a CSS string to be linted
      ".test { color: red; }"


  Lint a CSS file:
    php-css-lint "./path/to/css_file_path_to_lint.css"

  Lint a CSS string:
    php-css-lint ".test { color: red; }"

  Lint with only tabulation as indentation:
    php-css-lint --options='{ "allowedIndentationChars": ["\t"] }' ".test { color: red; }"

Lint a file

In a terminal, execute:

php vendor/bin/php-css-lint "/path/to/not_valid_file.css"


# Lint CSS file "/path/to/not_valid_file.css"...
 => CSS file "/path/to/not_valid_file" is not valid:

    - Unknown CSS property "bordr-top-style" (line: 8, char: 20)
    - Unterminated "selector content" (line: 17, char: 0)

Lint file(s) matching a glob pattern

See for supported patterns.

In a terminal, execute:

php vendor/bin/php-css-lint "/path/to/*.css"


# Lint CSS file "/path/to/not_valid_file.css"...
 => CSS file "/path/to/not_valid_file" is not valid:

    - Unknown CSS property "bordr-top-style" (line: 8, char: 20)
    - Unterminated "selector content" (line: 17, char: 0)

# Lint CSS file "/path/to/valid_file.css"...
 => CSS file "/path/to/valid_file" is valid

Lint a css string

In a terminal, execute:

php vendor/bin/php-css-lint ".test { color: red; fail }"


# Lint CSS string...
 => CSS string is not valid:

    - Unexpected property name token "}" (line: 1, char: 26)
    - Unterminated "property name" (line: 1, char: 26)

Customize linter properties

Allowed indentation chars

By default indentation must be spaces, you can change it to accept another chars (tabulation by example)

php vendor/bin/php-css-lint --options='{"allowedIndentationChars": ["\t"]}' ".test { color: red; }"

In a php script

Composer autoloading

// Composer autoloading
if (!file_exists($sComposerAutoloadPath = __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) {
    throw new \RuntimeException('Composer autoload file "' . $sComposerAutoloadPath . '" does not exist');
if (false === (include $sComposerAutoloadPath)) {
    throw new \RuntimeException('An error occured while including composer autoload file "' . $sComposerAutoloadPath . '"');

Initialize Css Linter

$cssLinter = new \CssLint\Linter();

Lint string

.button.drodown::after {
    display: block;
    width: 0;
}') === true){
   echo 'Valid!';
else {
     echo 'Not Valid :(';

Lint file

if($cssLinter->lintFile('path/to/css/file.css') === true){
   echo 'Valid!';
else {
     echo 'Not Valid :(';

Customize linter properties

Allowed indentation chars

By default indentation must be spaces, you can change it to accept another chars (tabulation by example)

$cssLinter = new \CssLint\Linter();

// Set linter must accept only tabulation as indentation

$cssLinter->lintString('.button.dropdown::after {
' . "\t" . 'display: block;
}'); // true

$cssLinter->lintString('.button.dropdown::after {
  display: block;
}'); // false