
in package

Table of Contents


$allowedIndentationChars  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of allowed indentation chars
$constructors  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of existing constructor prefix
$nonStandards  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of non standards properties
$standards  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of existing css properties


getAllowedIndentationChars()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieve indentation chars allowed by the linter
isAllowedIndentationChar()  : bool
Check if the given char is allowed as an indentation char
mergeConstructors()  : mixed
Merge the given constructors properties with the current ones
mergeNonStandards()  : mixed
Merge the given non standards properties with the current ones
mergeStandards()  : mixed
Merge the given standards properties with the current ones
propertyExists()  : bool
Checks that the given CSS property is an existing one
setAllowedIndentationChars()  : mixed
Define the indentation chars allowed by the linter
setOptions()  : mixed
Override default properties "allowedIndentationChars" => [" "] or ["\t"]: will override current property "constructors": ["property" => bool]: will merge with current property "standards": ["property" => bool]: will merge with current property "nonStandards": ["property" => bool]: will merge with current property



List of allowed indentation chars

protected array<string|int, mixed> $allowedIndentationChars = [' ']


List of existing constructor prefix

protected array<string|int, mixed> $constructors = ['ms' => true, 'moz' => true, 'webkit' => true, 'o' => true]


List of non standards properties

protected array<string|int, mixed> $nonStandards = ['font-smoothing' => true, 'interpolation-mode' => true, 'osx-font-smoothing' => true, 'overflow-scrolling' => true, 'tap-highlight-color' => true, 'text-size-adjust' => true]


List of existing css properties

protected array<string|int, mixed> $standards = [ 'align-content' => true, 'align-items' => true, 'align-self' => true, 'alignment-baseline' => true, 'all' => true, 'animation' => true, 'animation-delay' => true, 'animation-direction' => true, 'animation-duration' => true, 'animation-fill-mode' => true, 'animation-iteration-count' => true, 'animation-name' => true, 'animation-play-state' => true, 'animation-timing-function' => true, 'appearance' => true, 'azimuth' => true, 'backface-visibility' => true, 'background' => true, 'background-attachment' => true, 'background-blend-mode' => true, 'background-clip' => true, 'background-color' => true, 'background-image' => true, 'background-origin' => true, 'background-position' => true, 'background-repeat' => true, 'background-size' => true, 'baseline-shift' => true, 'bookmark-label' => true, 'bookmark-level' => true, 'bookmark-state' => true, 'border' => true, 'border-bottom' => true, 'border-bottom-color' => true, 'border-bottom-left-radius' => true, 'border-bottom-right-radius' => true, 'border-bottom-style' => true, 'border-bottom-width' => true, 'border-boundary' => true, 'border-collapse' => true, 'border-color' => true, 'border-image' => true, 'border-image-outset' => true, 'border-image-repeat' => true, 'border-image-slice' => true, 'border-image-source' => true, 'border-image-width' => true, 'border-left' => true, 'border-left-color' => true, 'border-left-style' => true, 'border-left-width' => true, 'border-radius' => true, 'border-right' => true, 'border-right-color' => true, 'border-right-style' => true, 'border-right-width' => true, 'border-spacing' => true, 'border-style' => true, 'border-top' => true, 'border-top-color' => true, 'border-top-left-radius' => true, 'border-top-right-radius' => true, 'border-top-style' => true, 'border-top-width' => true, 'border-width' => true, 'bottom' => true, 'box-decoration-break' => true, 'box-shadow' => true, 'box-sizing' => true, 'box-snap' => true, 'box-suppress' => true, 'break-after' => true, 'break-before' => true, 'break-inside' => true, 'caption-side' => true, 'caret' => true, 'caret-animation' => true, 'caret-color' => true, 'caret-shape' => true, 'chains' => true, 'clear' => true, 'clip' => true, 'clip-path' => true, 'clip-rule' => true, 'color' => true, 'color-adjust' => true, 'color-interpolation-filters' => true, 'column-count' => true, 'column-fill' => true, 'column-gap' => true, 'column-rule' => true, 'column-rule-color' => true, 'column-rule-style' => true, 'column-rule-width' => true, 'column-span' => true, 'column-width' => true, 'columns' => true, 'content' => true, 'continue' => true, 'counter-increment' => true, 'counter-reset' => true, 'counter-set' => true, 'cue' => true, 'cue-after' => true, 'cue-before' => true, 'cursor' => true, 'direction' => true, 'display' => true, 'display-or-not' => true, 'dominant-baseline' => true, 'elevation' => true, 'empty-cells' => true, 'filter' => true, 'flex' => true, 'flex-basis' => true, 'flex-direction' => true, 'flex-flow' => true, 'flex-grow' => true, 'flex-shrink' => true, 'flex-wrap' => true, 'float' => true, 'float-defer' => true, 'float-offset' => true, 'float-reference' => true, 'flood-color' => true, 'flood-opacity' => true, 'flow' => true, 'flow-from' => true, 'flow-into' => true, 'font' => true, 'font-family' => true, 'font-feature-settings' => true, 'font-kerning' => true, 'font-language-override' => true, 'font-size' => true, 'font-size-adjust' => true, 'font-stretch' => true, 'font-style' => true, 'font-synthesis' => true, 'font-variant' => true, 'font-variant-alternates' => true, 'font-variant-caps' => true, 'font-variant-east-asian' => true, 'font-variant-ligatures' => true, 'font-variant-numeric' => true, 'font-variant-position' => true, 'font-weight' => true, 'footnote-display' => true, 'footnote-policy' => true, 'glyph-orientation-vertical' => true, 'grid' => true, 'grid-area' => true, 'grid-auto-columns' => true, 'grid-auto-flow' => true, 'grid-auto-rows' => true, 'grid-column' => true, 'grid-column-end' => true, 'grid-column-gap' => true, 'grid-column-start' => true, 'grid-gap' => true, 'grid-row' => true, 'grid-row-end' => true, 'grid-row-gap' => true, 'grid-row-start' => true, 'grid-template' => true, 'grid-template-areas' => true, 'grid-template-columns' => true, 'grid-template-rows' => true, 'hanging-punctuation' => true, 'height' => true, 'hyphenate-character' => true, 'hyphenate-limit-chars' => true, 'hyphenate-limit-last' => true, 'hyphenate-limit-lines' => true, 'hyphenate-limit-zone' => true, 'hyphens' => true, 'image-orientation' => true, 'image-rendering' => true, 'image-resolution' => true, 'initial-letter' => true, 'initial-letter-align' => true, 'initial-letter-wrap' => true, 'isolation' => true, 'justify-content' => true, 'justify-items' => true, 'justify-self' => true, 'left' => true, 'letter-spacing' => true, 'lighting-color' => true, 'line-break' => true, 'line-grid' => true, 'line-height' => true, 'line-snap' => true, 'list-style' => true, 'list-style-image' => true, 'list-style-position' => true, 'list-style-type' => true, 'margin' => true, 'margin-bottom' => true, 'margin-left' => true, 'margin-right' => true, 'margin-top' => true, 'marker' => true, 'marker-end' => true, 'marker-knockout-left' => true, 'marker-knockout-right' => true, 'marker-mid' => true, 'marker-pattern' => true, 'marker-segment' => true, 'marker-side' => true, 'marker-start' => true, 'marquee-direction' => true, 'marquee-loop' => true, 'marquee-speed' => true, 'marquee-style' => true, 'mask' => true, 'mask-border' => true, 'mask-border-mode' => true, 'mask-border-outset' => true, 'mask-border-repeat' => true, 'mask-border-slice' => true, 'mask-border-source' => true, 'mask-border-width' => true, 'mask-clip' => true, 'mask-composite' => true, 'mask-image' => true, 'mask-mode' => true, 'mask-origin' => true, 'mask-position' => true, 'mask-repeat' => true, 'mask-size' => true, 'mask-type' => true, 'max-height' => true, 'max-lines' => true, 'max-width' => true, 'min-height' => true, 'min-width' => true, 'mix-blend-mode' => true, 'motion' => true, 'motion-offset' => true, 'motion-path' => true, 'motion-rotation' => true, 'nav-down' => true, 'nav-left' => true, 'nav-right' => true, 'nav-up' => true, 'object-fit' => true, 'object-position' => true, 'offset' => true, 'offset-after' => true, 'offset-anchor' => true, 'offset-before' => true, 'offset-distance' => true, 'offset-end' => true, 'offset-path' => true, 'offset-position' => true, 'offset-rotate' => true, 'offset-start' => true, 'opacity' => true, 'order' => true, 'orphans' => true, 'outline' => true, 'outline-color' => true, 'outline-offset' => true, 'outline-style' => true, 'outline-width' => true, 'overflow' => true, 'overflow-style' => true, 'overflow-wrap' => true, 'overflow-x' => true, 'overflow-y' => true, 'padding' => true, 'padding-bottom' => true, 'padding-left' => true, 'padding-right' => true, 'padding-top' => true, 'page' => true, 'page-break-after' => true, 'page-break-before' => true, 'page-break-inside' => true, 'pause' => true, 'pause-after' => true, 'pause-before' => true, 'perspective' => true, 'perspective-origin' => true, 'pitch' => true, 'pitch-range' => true, 'place-content' => true, 'place-items' => true, 'place-self' => true, 'play-during' => true, 'pointer-events' => true, 'position' => true, 'presentation-level' => true, 'quotes' => true, 'region-fragment' => true, 'resize' => true, 'rest' => true, 'rest-after' => true, 'rest-before' => true, 'richness' => true, 'right' => true, 'rotation' => true, 'rotation-point' => true, 'ruby-align' => true, 'ruby-merge' => true, 'ruby-position' => true, 'running' => true, 'scroll-behavior' => true, 'scroll-padding' => true, 'scroll-padding-block' => true, 'scroll-padding-block-end' => true, 'scroll-padding-block-start' => true, 'scroll-padding-bottom' => true, 'scroll-padding-inline' => true, 'scroll-padding-inline-end' => true, 'scroll-padding-inline-start' => true, 'scroll-padding-left' => true, 'scroll-padding-right' => true, 'scroll-padding-top' => true, 'scroll-snap-align' => true, 'scroll-snap-margin' => true, 'scroll-snap-margin-block' => true, 'scroll-snap-margin-block-end' => true, 'scroll-snap-margin-block-start' => true, 'scroll-snap-margin-bottom' => true, 'scroll-snap-margin-inline' => true, 'scroll-snap-margin-inline-end' => true, 'scroll-snap-margin-inline-start' => true, 'scroll-snap-margin-left' => true, 'scroll-snap-margin-right' => true, 'scroll-snap-margin-top' => true, 'scroll-snap-stop' => true, 'scroll-snap-type' => true, 'scrollbar-gutter' => true, 'shape-image-threshold' => true, 'shape-inside' => true, 'shape-margin' => true, 'shape-outside' => true, 'size' => true, 'speak' => true, 'speak-as' => true, 'speak-header' => true, 'speak-numeral' => true, 'speak-punctuation' => true, 'speech-rate' => true, 'src' => true, // @font-face property 'stress' => true, 'string-set' => true, 'stroke' => true, 'stroke-alignment' => true, 'stroke-dashadjust' => true, 'stroke-dasharray' => true, 'stroke-dashcorner' => true, 'stroke-dashoffset' => true, 'stroke-linecap' => true, 'stroke-linejoin' => true, 'stroke-miterlimit' => true, 'stroke-opacity' => true, 'stroke-width' => true, 'tab-size' => true, 'table-layout' => true, 'text-align' => true, 'text-align-all' => true, 'text-align-last' => true, 'text-combine-upright' => true, 'text-decoration' => true, 'text-decoration-color' => true, 'text-decoration-line' => true, 'text-decoration-skip' => true, 'text-decoration-style' => true, 'text-emphasis' => true, 'text-emphasis-color' => true, 'text-emphasis-position' => true, 'text-emphasis-style' => true, 'text-indent' => true, 'text-justify' => true, 'text-orientation' => true, 'text-overflow' => true, 'text-rendering' => true, 'text-shadow' => true, 'text-space-collapse' => true, 'text-space-trim' => true, 'text-spacing' => true, 'text-transform' => true, 'text-underline-position' => true, 'text-wrap' => true, 'top' => true, 'touch-action' => true, 'transform' => true, 'transform-box' => true, 'transform-origin' => true, 'transform-style' => true, 'transition' => true, 'transition-delay' => true, 'transition-duration' => true, 'transition-property' => true, 'transition-timing-function' => true, 'unicode-bidi' => true, 'user-select' => true, 'vertical-align' => true, 'visibility' => true, 'voice-balance' => true, 'voice-duration' => true, 'voice-family' => true, 'voice-pitch' => true, 'voice-range' => true, 'voice-rate' => true, 'voice-stress' => true, 'voice-volume' => true, 'volume' => true, 'white-space' => true, 'widows' => true, 'width' => true, 'will-change' => true, 'word-break' => true, 'word-spacing' => true, 'word-wrap' => true, 'wrap-after' => true, 'wrap-before' => true, 'wrap-flow' => true, 'wrap-inside' => true, 'wrap-through' => true, 'writing-mode' => true, 'z-index' => true, 'zoom' => true, ]



Retrieve indentation chars allowed by the linter

public getAllowedIndentationChars() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

a list of allowed indentation chars


Check if the given char is allowed as an indentation char

public isAllowedIndentationChar(string $sChar) : bool
$sChar : string

the character to be checked

Return values

according to whether the character is allowed or not


Merge the given constructors properties with the current ones

public mergeConstructors(array<string|int, mixed> $aConstructors) : mixed
$aConstructors : array<string|int, mixed>

the constructors properties to be merged


Merge the given non standards properties with the current ones

public mergeNonStandards(array<string|int, mixed> $aNonStandards) : mixed
$aNonStandards : array<string|int, mixed>

non the standards properties to be merged


Merge the given standards properties with the current ones

public mergeStandards(array<string|int, mixed> $aStandards) : mixed
$aStandards : array<string|int, mixed>

the standards properties to be merged


Checks that the given CSS property is an existing one

public propertyExists(string $sProperty) : bool
$sProperty : string

the property to check

Return values

true if the property exists, else returns false


Define the indentation chars allowed by the linter

public setAllowedIndentationChars(array<string|int, mixed> $aAllowedIndentationChars) : mixed
$aAllowedIndentationChars : array<string|int, mixed>

a list of allowed indentation chars


Override default properties "allowedIndentationChars" => [" "] or ["\t"]: will override current property "constructors": ["property" => bool]: will merge with current property "standards": ["property" => bool]: will merge with current property "nonStandards": ["property" => bool]: will merge with current property

public setOptions([array<string|int, mixed> $aOptions = [] ]) : mixed
$aOptions : array<string|int, mixed> = []

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